
Eurosif  Newsletter October 2011

04 October 2011
Eurosif  Newsletter October 2011


In this issue:

Eurosif Update
Eurosif Launches its 2011 Corporate Pension Funds & Sustainable Investment Study

The 2011 Corporate Pension Funds & Sustainable Investment Study is the first comprehensive European-wide study on corporate pension funds and sustainable investment. Launched at Eurosif’s 2011 Annual Meeting, the study examines to what extent and in what manner corporate pension funds across Europe have adopted sustainable and responsible investment practices. Download Study.

Eurosif Sets Up SRI Practices Working Group

Eurosif has set up a working group to support the research methodology for the 2012 SRI Study. The group has been set up in response to feedback from previous studies and discussions with member affiliates, including at the workshop at the 2011 Annual Event. The objective is to gather information and input from MAs on SRI and ESG practices in Europe, in order to ensure that the data Eurosif gathers and produces is relevant. The expected outcome is to produce a list of SRI and ESG practices that reflect current use in the market. We expect the group to meet twice, once in London and once in Paris, with conference call facilities provided for those that are not able to attend in person. The group will be active until March 2012. If you wish to join this group, or have any questions, please contact


Eurosif Holds its 2011 Annual Meeting in Brussels
Eurosif’s 2011 Annual Meeting was successfully held in Brussels on September 21-22, with the participation of over 90 representatives from 15 countries. Officials from the European Commission, the OECD, EFAMA and others spoke at the event, with Ms. Claire Bury of the EC DG Internal Markets & Services delivering the event’s keynote speech. The event presentations are available for download on Eurosif’s website.
Responsible Research and Sustainable Business Institute Join Eurosif
Since 2008 Responsible Research have provided sectorial and thematic research, tools and services for investors who look to analysis of ESG and sustainability both to identify risks to earnings and discover new opportunities. They have provided in depth SRI analysis on subjects as diverse as Water, Airlines, Microfinance, Fish, Green Building, Forests, Palm Oil, Impact Investing, Autos and the Pharma industry in Asia. Responsible Research's coverage now extends to the top 750 companies in Asia ex Japan. Their experienced research team in Singapore analyses companies in local language as well as English. They review material ESG factors, which change according to industry and market, and comment on important regulatory landscapes in Asia, along with providing a fresh perspective on operational and sectorial issues.The Sustainable Business Institute (SBI), Germany, is a think tank founded in 1987. Since 1987, SBI has conducted studies with the private sector, NGOs as well as the United Nations and for the German Government. SBI focuses on issues such as sustainable and responsible investment, sustainable business development and voluntary agreements. Since 2003 SBI has been the publisher of, a European platform for funds, indexes and rating agencies covering app. 350 Funds and 2600 companies.
Eurosif Participates in the EC Expert Group on Non-Financial Reporting
Eurosif has recently been invited by the EC to take part in the expert working group on non-financial reporting set up by the Commission’s DG Internal Markets & Services. Two meetings were organised in September on the topic and Eurosif was represented by its Executive Director, François Passant. The aim of the group’s work is to define the next EU legislative steps on non-financial reporting by companies, following the consultation held by the Commission earlier this year.**** Eurosif speaks at EIRIS Event “Active Ownership and Stewardship for the Long Term

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