Policy contributions

Eurosif always strives to reach a broad consensus within its membership when elaborating its positions. Positions of Eurosif however do not necessarily reflect the position of each and every individual member organisation of each national Sustainable Investment Forum.

25 March 2016 Policy contributions

Eurosif responds to LTI consultation

On the 23rd of March 2016, Eurosif submitted a response to the European Commission's public consultation long-term and sustainable investment, stating that"integrating ESG factors in investment decisi...
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15 December 2015 Policy contributions

Eurosif Policy Position on the Capital Markets Union Action Plan

Eurosif has published its policy position on the CMU Action Plan, calling for more ESG transparency, legislative coherence and a clearer definition of fiduciary duty on CMU Action Plan. To download...
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15 July 2015 Policy contributions

Eurosif position on Country By Country Reporting

Eurosif supports a mandatory, annual CBCR, for listed companies with data made public to the company’s stakeholders, including investors and shareholders. However, we note two caveats to this suppor...
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21 October 2014 Policy contributions

Investor Statement on EU Proposed Conflict Mineral Regulation

We commend the Directorate General for Trade on its proposed regulation concerning corporate conflict minerals due diligence and reporting and note the proposal’s focus on various geographies where...
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20 December 2013 Policy contributions

Eurosif response to a Public Consultation on Best Practice Principles for Governance Research Providers

Eurosif response to a Public Consultation on Best Practice Principles for Governance Research Providers. Access the letter  here....
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09 July 2013 Policy contributions

Eurosif response to IIRC Consultation

Eurosif has been a longstanding advocate of non-financial disclosure and reporting. In its response to the European Commission consultation on non-financial reporting in January 2011, Eurosif has been...
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27 June 2013 Policy contributions

Eurosif and ACCA joint survey on non-financial reporting

Eurosif and ACCA conducted a survey of investors, analysts and other stakeholders to gather the views and opinions of the investment community on their use of ESG information and the proposed reportin...
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25 June 2013 Policy contributions

Eurosif Response to EC Green Paper LTI

Eurosif welcomes the Consultation on the Green Paper on the long-term financing of the European economy. Eurosif acknowledges that some assets are more likely than others to be managed for the long-t...
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27 May 2013 Policy contributions

Eurosif Position Paper on EU Non-Financial Reporting

Eurosif strongly supports European Commission legislative proposal COM(2013)207, both in terms of disclosure of non-financial information and of diversity policy. The proposal serves as a major advan...
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18 October 2012 Policy contributions

Response to the European Commission Consultation: Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS)

The response has been developed as a part of Eurosif’s aims to develop sustainability through European financial markets. Eurosif  focuses on fostering a culture of long--term investment in Europe...
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10 October 2012 Policy contributions

Eurosif Position on Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) disclosure in Key Information Documents for investment products

Eurosif has increasingly brought attention to the need for retail investment disclosure on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in the investment process, as a natural complement to extra...
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10 October 2012 Policy contributions

Eurosif Position on Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) disclosure in Key Information Documents for investment products

Eurosif has increasingly brought attention to the need for retail investment disclosure on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in the investment process, as a natural complement to extra...
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