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MEPs vote to delay PRIIPs regulation

On the 28th of November 2016, the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee of the European Parliament approved an amending Regulation to delay PRIIPs for 12 months (therefore moving the set date...

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November Insight – Sustainable investment: the success in statistics

This article, written by Valentina Neri, originally appeared in Italian on Sustainable investment is outpacing the industry average, with double digit growth over the past two years. Th...

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IORPs II Directive voted through by MEPs

Today, November 24th 2016, in Strasbourg, MEPs endorsed an informal agreement with the EU Council and Commission and Council on changes to the "Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision" (IOR...

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FNG Label 2017: first signs of a positive impact on sustainable investment funds

A joint statement from Eurosif member FNG, GNGmbH and Novethic Berlin/Paris, 23 November 2016 – The FNG Label is having a positive impact on the quality of sustainable investment funds, as the res...

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Responsible Investor: Eurosif finds strong growth in the European SRI market over the past two years

There has been strong growth in the European sustainable and responsible investment market over the past two years, with impact investments particularly buoyant, according to new research from ind...

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Strong Growth in Sustainable and Responsible Investment across Europe

The 7th edition of the biennial Eurosif Market Study reveals double-digit growth for sustainable and responsible investment (SRI). The growth ranges from 30% for stewardship (Engagement & Voting)...

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‘Tax Transparency by Multinationals’ – a new report from VBDO

On Monday, VBDO published its latest Tax Transparency benchmark, a comprehensive study of 68 Dutch listed companies. The study ranks the multinational companies on the transparency that they provide...

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Plan launched to tackle European investment crisis

A consortium of European sustainable finance organisations, including Eurosif, has launched a plan to solve Europe’s investment crisis, on the day the European Commission publishes further details o...

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French SIF (FIR) publishes handbook on Article 173-VI

Article 173-VI of France’s Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth (LTECV) represents major innovation in terms of regulation in the fight against climate change as well as for international inves...

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October 2016

Editorial Dear Colleagues, Positive signs for sustainability and investors in this third quarter, not only in Europe but at global level, mark a convergence of interests which highlights the ser...

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02 October 2016 - Eurosif Reports

Eurosif Report 2016

This 2016 European SRI Study bears out the sustained growth in SRI across different approaches. The data collected for this Study, at the end of 2015, allowed us to cover institutional and retail asse...

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02 October 2016 - Eurosif Reports

EIB breaks new ground in the area of Green Bond external review

The EIB (the European Investment Bank) takes its commitment to green bonds a step further as it publishes today a comprehensive statement (CAB) featuring its Green Bond activities in 2015 accompanied...

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