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Ireland’s Year of Sustainable Business 2018

Ireland’s Year of Sustainable Business 2018, an initiative of Sustainable Nation Ireland, a Eurosif member, was included in the National Mitigation Plan, the Government’s climate action strategy...

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Climate Action interview with Eurosif’s Flavia Micilotta

Climate Action caught up with Flavia Micilotta, Executive Director, Eurosif, on scaling up low carbon investment and her participation in the first Sustainable Investment Forum Europe. Flavia will be...

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Alecta’s Magnus Billing interview with the FT

Magnus Billing, the head of Alecta, Sweden’s biggest pension fund discusses how his scheme holds companies to account, discusses how his scheme holds companies to account in an interview with the F...

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What we learned at the One Planet Summit

On Tuesday the 12th of December, Eurosif attended the One Planet Summit - a gathering in Paris, two years on from the Paris Agreement. Convened by the French President, Emmanuel Macron,  over 50 hea...

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The EU publishes its blacklist of 17 tax havens

Today, the EU finance ministers have adopted a blacklist of 17 countries and territories that do not cooperate in the fight against tax evasion and tax avoidance. A second, so-called 'grey list' of 47...

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New binding targets for energy efficiency and use of renewables from the European Parliament

Today, the European Parliament's Industry and Energy Committee have agreed to a binding target to reduce energy consumption by 40% by 2030 at EU level. Each EU country will have to set its own corr...

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How to integrate sustainability into financial markets? The Italian SRI community meets Europe

On the 13th of November, a consultation meeting was held at Borsa Italiana in Milan between representatives of the Italian financial industry and some members of High-Level Expert Group on Sustainabl...

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The European Commission launches a fiduciary duty consultation

The European Commission steps up Today, the 13th of November, the European Commission launched a public consultation on providing legal clarification that the legal duties (sometimes referred to as f...

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FNG publishes 1st edition of Guidelines for Institutional Investors – an easy entry

For the first time, FNG has launched a Guide for Institutional Investors. The target group are small and medium-sized institutional investors. The aim of this publication is to give institutional inve...

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IRRI 2017: Launching the search for best practice and the best analysts in SRI & CG

The IRRI Survey 2017 invites institutional investors, asset managers, investment research providers, listed companies and any other with professional exposure to the global SRI and corporate governanc...

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Eurosif welcomes ČS Pension Company as new member

Eurosif is pleased to welcome its newest individual member from the Czech Republic, the ČS Pension Company (Česká spořitelna – penzijní společnost) to the European SRI network! A subsidiary...

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DNB: Increasing climate-related risks demand more action from the financial sector

Financial institutions must increasingly factor in the consequences of a changing climate and the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. DNB explores the impact of climate-related risks on the Dutch...

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